The Taskar Center for Accessible Technology engages communities of practice. There are multiple avenues to getting involved- Sign up to our newsletter for upcoming opportunities!
Students join our research teams, perform special projects, engage in service learning opportunities or take the accessibility capstone course.

- Courses
- Accessibility Capstone
- Seattle Design Festival
- Annual Toy Hackathon
- Annual Open The Paths Conference
- Mapathons
- Class Mapping Challenges
- Ongoing Research
TCAT works with researchers and industry partners as translation consulting groups. We identify best paths for accessible technology deployments.

- Advisory Meetings
- Mapathons
- Team Mapping Challenges
- Annual Toy Hackathon
- Annual Open The Paths Conference
- Ongoing Research
Community Members
All our projects involve participatory design, working with people with disabilities, caregivers, therapists, practitioners, and needs experts.

- Advisory Meetings
- Mapathons
- Team Mapping Challenges
- Annual Toy Hackathon
- Ongoing Research
- Seattle Design Festival
- Accessibility Capstone Needs Experts
- Universal playgroups
Ready to get started?